We depend on sponsorships and donations - Every Dollar Counts!
We are 100% not-for-profit and have no overhead costs.
We are run 100% by volunteers
That means that 100% of your donation goes straight to fund the children's education in India
We are 100% not-for-profit and have no overhead costs.
We are run 100% by volunteers
That means that 100% of your donation goes straight to fund the children's education in India
Sponsor a Child
100% of your sponsorship goes toward living expenses for the children. This includes 3 meals per day, educational resources, school uniform, weekend clothes and more. Please feel free to contact us for more information
Sponsor a Teacher
100% of your sponsorship goes toward expenses for the teacher. This includes salary and educational resources, Please feel free to contact us for more information
Sponsorships are monthly donations and can be set up via the EZI Debit Platform: Click on any 'Donate Now' or 'Sponsor Now'
ACNC Registered Since 2014